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Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away?

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

Who doesn't love an apple? To me they are crisp and juicy, a perfect snack. Where would teachers be without them? Or Isaac Newton! But will eating an apple a day really keep you healthy? In a way, yes.

Apples contain pectin. Pectin is a polysaccharide which is just a fancy way of saying that it is a carbohydrate made up of a number of sugar molecules bonded together. The structure of pectin allows it to be gelatinous which is why pectin is used to make your berries into jam. When pectin is in your intestinal tract it binds to cholesterol and stops it from passing through the gut lining into the blood stream. So, eating apples can slightly lower your blood cholesterol levels. Pectin is also a food source for your microbiome (all the microbes in your gut that support your health in all manner of ways). It is a prebiotic food and when your microbes 'eat' it they release short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). This is a good thing -- you will have to trust me on this. I will go into functions and benefits of SCFAs on another post, for now just trust me that apples make your belly happy.

So, now that you know that apples make your belly happy and can have a positive impact on your health let me share with you a delicious way to eat them everyday. Stewed apples. By cooking the apples gently you release more pectin and therefore more fibre. Apples have both soluble and insoluble fibre so they will also help alleviate constipation by adding bulk to the stool. Although the saying is an apple a day keeps the doctor away it could also be a poop a day keeps the doctor away. So, apples keep you regular and keep you from seeing the doctor regularly.

Convinced yet? Ready to eat an apple a day?

This recipe can be used to add deliciousness to your oatmeal in the morning. I love it will a few tablespoons of yogurt drizzled with almond butter and sprinkled with some sort of crunchy chopped nuts, gluten free granola or ground seeds. You can use it as a topping for French toast or pancakes and it is good enough to have as dessert especially drizzled with a little homemade custard as a treat or inside a crepe sprinkled with extra cinnamon and drizzled with honey.

Stewed Apples

750g of organic apples (washed, cored and chopped -- leave the peel on)

20g lemon juice (or to taste)

1 teaspoon cinnamon (or to taste)

Thermomix instructions:

1. Place apples, lemon juice and cinnamon in mixing bowl and cook 9 min/100°C/speed 1. Add up to 5 minutes of extra cooking time depending on how large you left your apple chunks

2. Purée 20 sec/speed 5 or until desired consistency is achieved.* Transfer to a bowl and serve hot or cold.

Stovetop instructions:

1. Place apples, lemon juice and cinnamon in a medium saucepan and add a few tablespoons of water. Heat on medium high heat until starting to bubble then turn down to simmer until the skin of the apples is glistening and the apples are soft.

2. Use a stick blender or blender to blend to desired consistency.*

*If you do not have a blender or do not want to blend the apples you can simply cut the pieces smaller (or grate them) and the apple will break down completely in cooking.

I hope you, your tongue and your tummy all enjoy your apples.

To wellness!


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