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Truly Personalised Nutrition

Using your DNA to inform your choices

The main force behind Wellness with April is a deep desire to help individuals achieve their long-term health and wellness goals. Knowing what genes are in every cell of your body gives you the very powerful tool to uniquely personalise your diet and lifestyle to what works best for you. Whether you’re seeking help with weight loss, healthy aging, reducing inflammation or disease prevention, each client has the opportunity to have their DNA profile identified via Lifecode Gx. Using your unique profile and Lifecode Gx's detailed reports, April will provide you with a well-researched, totally individualised, and comprehensive plan to support your health and wellness goals.


You can find a comprehensive description of all of the genetic reports Lifecode Gx offer on the products page of their website.


Whether you are curious about what your genetic make up is, or you need professional guidance in order to address a specific health issue, April is ready to help you reach your wellness goals today.


See our Working with April page for more information.

In The Lab
Genetic Testing: About
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